Electronic Flight Bag ExamInstructions:Complete the following multiple-choice exam, being sure to include your personal details above.Click Send (located at the end of the exam) when you have completed the examA course-completion certificate will be forwarded to youPass Mark required=80% Name * First Name Last Name Email * Message * ARN COMPANY QUESTION 1 * Training for EFB needs to satisfy requirements in Australia & New Zealand in which documents: CASA CAO 82.0 Appendix9 + CAA AC91-20 CASA CASR1 35 + CAA AC81-40 CAAP 233-1(1) + CAA CAR 175 CASA CAR 78 + CAA CAR 91.111 QUESTION 2 * Applications like OzRunways EFB can be used for weather briefing, planning, and in flight for Situational Awareness, but are not to be used as the primary means of navigation. True False QUESTION 3 * The Advisory Publication in Australia explaining all things EFB and equivalent to AC91-20 in New Zealand is: CAAP 174 AC 233-1 (1) CAAP 233-1 (1) CAR 231 QUESTION 4 * The “Class” of an EFB device describes: How expensive it is What it’s capable of The software How it is secured/mounted QUESTION 5 * Functionality of a Device describes: What it’s capable of How it is secured/mounted How efficient it is Any damage QUESTION 6 OzRunways and other similar EFB applications are Approved Data Service Providers. Which CASA / CAA document contains the required details? CASR 175.295 / CAR 175 CAR 233/ CAR 170 CAO 20.18/ CAR 201 AIP ENR 1.5 / AC91-20 QUESTION 7 * OzRunways as part of an approved EFB program allows aircrew to satisfy their responsibility of PIC before flight as it relates to CASA CAR 233 and CAA CAR 91.11. Which of the following does this apply to? The aircrew have an up-to-date EFB The aeronautical data and aeronautical information are carried in the aircraft and is readily accessible to the flight crew. (Applicable to the route to be flown and to any alternative route) Law documents are close at hand Pre-flight responsibilities have been carried out QUESTION 8 * For commercial operations, what are the acceptable redundancy options required in case your EFB fails? A second EFB device identically configured Required paper charts and documents for the route being flown & any alternate Smart phone Both (a) and (b) QUESTION 9 * EFB Hardware consists of: The Device only The relevant Apps loaded onto the device The backup paper charts Device, case, screen protector, mount, cables, batteries, power sources, ADS-B receiver, GPS Booster QUESTION 10 * What is the name of the GPS feature in most EFB devices which allows faster acquisition of aircraft position when connected to the internet? TC-GPS (TelcoTower GPS) A-GPS (Assisted GPS) A-GPS (Automated GPS) Galileo QUESTION 11 * Mounts used in an aircraft must comply with the relevant regulations. Generally, what are the main ergonomic considerations? No physical or visual obstruction of aircraft controls, instrument console, or excessive obstruction of external lookout. Control Full and Free check should not bump the EFB EFB should not contact the windshield EFB should not limit vision of the instrument console QUESTION 12 * Some ways to Maximise short-term EFB Battery-life include: Turn on Battery-monitoring App Open all Apps prior to flight Increase screen brightness Put screen to sleep when not in use, close un-needed background activity, adjust the screen brightness, charge in aircraft if possible QUESTION 13 * Some key iOS settings to consider for a reduction in distraction include: Notifications set to Visual only Auto-lock, passcode, and notifications OFF Auto-Lock ON, Passcode OFF Control Centre locked and loaded QUESTION 14 * It’s common for a device to Over-Temp if not set-up and cared for correctly. This risk can be reduced through: Remove EFB from parked aircraft, Orientate screen out of direct sunlight, dim the screen, put screen to sleep & Cover when not in use, direct internal vents onto the device, purchase a cooling case. Purchase a cooling case. Put EFB under a towel in a parked aircraft Remove EFB from parked aircraft, Orientate screen into direct sunlight, dim the screen, put screen to sleep & Cover always, direct internal vents onto the device, purchase a cooling case. QUESTION 15 * Main causes of error with improper use of EFB include: Dependence, distraction, fixation, complacency, lack of awareness Distraction only Dependence, Fixation, Sublimation Lack of teamwork, fatigue, Norms, Pressure QUESTION 16 * Non-Technical Skills which should be maintained, and in some cases improved through proper use of an EFB include: Co-Operation of all involved Lookout, Situational Awareness, Decision Making, Task Management, Communication Ability to make decisions under pressure All Human Factors QUESTION 17 * Over-dependence on the Traffic Function could lead to: Confirmation Bias plus reduced Lookout Reduced Lookout only Confirmation Bias only TCAS functionality QUESTION 18 * Ways a device can fail include: Overheating Battery flat/failed Device/app malfunction All of the above QUESTION 19 * Emergency Procedures for a failed EFB include: Slow the aircraft to stall speed/hover and throw out the window Stow device and get your spare EFB/Paper alternative Trouble-shoot to fix the device Point vents onto device QUESTION 20 * Some of the contributing factors to the A345 case-study in Melbourne were: Lack of assertiveness, Pressure, Fatigue, Norms Over-reliance on automation, insufficient cross-check, distraction, complacency, did not follow SOP Over-communication Crew resource Management fatigue QUESTION 21 * The goal of TEM is to move threats from the Latent/Unexpected category to the category, therefore allowing counter-measures to be implemented. Expected Organisational Environmental Internal QUESTION 22 * Ideally when flying VFR, our eyes should be outside assessing an adequate Lookout, and Attitude (Pitch/Roll) for what percentage of time (approximate)? 50% 30% 70% 90% QUESTION 23 * Pre-Flighting your EFB “in-App” includes: Ensuring up-to-date Subscription, Database, and Downloads. Topping up your subscription Downloading the maps required Making sure you have access to the required Database QUESTION 24 * Ways to protect your night vision when using EFB include: Squint Dim-screen or invert colours, adjust auto-brightness, put screen to sleep when not in use. Lock device Turn screen away to prevent glare QUESTION 25 * For advanced training such an initial Instrument Rating, it is best to use the EFB for the entire training True False QUESTION 26 * In OzRunways if you are having problems signing-in to your User ID, you can: Email Support immediately Keep trying as you may remember the password Access “Emergency Mode” for 3-days, ensuring you notify OzRunways Support Access “Emergency Mode” for 1-day, and allow to reset automatically QUESTION 27 * It’s necessary to download the required aeronautical data before flight. When should this be completed? At latest on the day of the flight, however new data is available for download 1-3 weeks prior to the renewal date and it’s a good idea to do it early. At latest on the day of the flight, however new data is available for download 1-3 days prior to the renewal date and it’s a good idea to do it early. During the flight, however new data is available for download 1-3 days prior to the renewal date and it’s a good idea to do it early. On the day of the flight either before or after. QUESTION 28 * Deleting old document cycle data is necessary because: You may use the incorrect data The data will be corrupted The old data remains on the device from previous cycles, and is using valuable storage space. The old data would rarely be needed QUESTION 29 * Ways to share aeronautical data with a friend/colleague using OzRunways includes: Peer-to-peer networking, Company Cache Box Only on Company Cache Box Email the maps/documents AirDrop the maps/documents QUESTION 30 * Weather/Notam Briefing and Planning should be conducted: At top of climb At top of descent On the ground in a calm manner before flight During Run-up checks QUESTION 31 * EFB Applications like OzRunways depict tracks as Rhumb-lines because the maps used are: Mercator Projections Lamberts conical WACs VFR charts QUESTION 32 * When time pressures present themselves, an EFB application will be more effective if you’ve previously taken the time to: Clean the screen Import your friend’s data Delete all data so that you have a blank-slate to work from Load pilot, aircraft profile, and weather briefing login data prior to needing them QUESTION 33 * Weather Camera images are available in many EFB applications. These images: Can be used to determine Alternate Requirements Should be prioritised above aerodrome TTF and METAR information Are intended to enhance Situational Awareness, but are not to be used for operational decision making Are used to plan where to park when you arrive at the aerodrome. QUESTION 34 * Weather Radar images and overlays within an EFB application can be used for actual storm avoidance. True False QUESTION 35 * Current plans, aircraft profiles, and User-created waypoints can be shared by aircrew using the following methods on an iOS device: Airdrop, Email By holding the devices against each other Using Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams Through integrations QUESTION 36 * Terrain data when displayed as a “profile view” at the base of the map screen within an EFB application can be used for the following purposes: For LSALT Calculation To plan diversions in IMC To enhance Terrain and Airspace SA only For all planning as the information includes terrain up to 10nm of track. QUESTION 37 * Two aircraft in close proximity using the “Traffic” feature available in EFB Applications would rely on the following items to see each other “in-App”: GPS functionality of the device, 3G/4G data coverage, EFB application from a different company loaded on the device. The other aircraft to be at a high enough altitude to get data coverage Air Services Australia Mode C/ADS-B combined feed GPS functionality of the device, 3G/4G data coverage, both using the same application, application open (may be sleeping in background), traffic service turned “ON” QUESTION 38 * The best way to create your own KML/KMZ overlays to be used in-app is to: Create them with the annotation feature in-App Use Google earth, save, and email to end user/EFB administrator to be opened in the EFB Application. Buy an Apple Pen and draw the required areas in a similar Application Request AMSA to create for you Thank you!